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Design Libraries & Archives

As regards design libraries and archives, I can’t stress enough how valuable a resource they can be. That said, not everyone has the same level of library access, which means students and designers often have to subscribe to monographs and magazines in addition to their existing design tools. Below are a series of links to digital archives that not only offer access to inspiring design work, but books and periodicals that are filled with indispensable content that can’t be easily found offline.

Artificial Intelligence

Google Research
Meta AI Research
Microsoft Research
Baidu Research
Partnership on AI
Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithms
Machine Learning Yearning
Course in Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Deep Learning Book
Reinforcement Learning
Speech and Language Processing
Natural Language Processing with Python
An Introduction to Information Retrieval
Machine Learning GitHub
Deep Learning GitHub
Tensorflow GitHub
Neural Network GitHub
Natural Language Processing GitHub
Concerning AI
This Week in Machine Learning and AI
The AI Podcast
Data Skeptic
Linear Digressions
Partially Derivative
O’Reilly Data Show
Learning Machines 101
The Talking Machines
Artificial Intelligence in Industry
Machine Learning Guide
Neural Information Processing Systems
International Conference on Machine Learning
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
International Conference on Learning Representations
Association for Computational Linguistics
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
International Conference on Computer Vision
AI Expo
Machine Learning Conference
AI Summit
O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference
AI Conference
Deep Hunt
O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Newsletter
Data Science Weekly Newsletter
Machine Learnings
Artificial Intelligence News
Import AI
Deep Learning Weekly
Neural Networks for Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Oxford Deep Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python
Machine Learning Practical Deep Learning For Coders
Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition